Saturday, May 10, 2014

What is a Niche? & How to find yours!

Hello #BlogLife101 peeps! I'm looking forward to this short but sweet post which just so happens to line up with the #BlogLife101 challenge question for the day "What is your Niche?"
So what is a niche?

niche/ niCH: (noun) a specialized but profitable corner of the market.
Well that was simple! 
When blogging your niche can be small (one topic) or large (several related topics). However it is best to have at least one niche. 
A niche will help you stay directed. Take ApotheKayla for example... on that blog I only write about 100% natural health, beauty, and cleaning recipes and anything related to that; such as tips and tricks related to that niche, or book reviews related to that niche, etc. 
Having a small niche is great for a beginner. Another example would be a "How-to" Niche like: How-To with Halley. While her niche is a broad niche she has a unifying theme of "How-to" projects.
WinterStead is a sustainable/ young married couple/ whatever interests us at the moment lifestyle blog with a rather large niche. On this blog my husband and talk about what interests us, that is our niche. 
What is the difference... 
Having a large/ broad niche will open up your blog to better search engine optimization because you can use subjects from all across the web. You should still have some sort of theme. I guess our overall theme here on WinterStead is "Learning, Living, Loving, and Sharing." 
How to find your Niche!
That's Easy!!
  • What do you talk about with your family and friends 
  • What do you love?
  • What could you see yourself building a small business out of if your blog became super popular?
  • Can you monetize from your niche*
  • Will you enjoy this niche for years to come**
 *If you are planning to find sponsors/ paid advertisements for your blog you will want them to be related to your niche in some fashion.
**This is where a small or broad niche comes into play. Can you talk about one genre for years or should you pick three or four subjects to concentrate your blog on?

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Thanks for reading and stay tuned for my next #BlogLife101 post about choosing a name for your blog!

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