Want to blog but not sure where to start?
Let me help you with the formation of your blog foundation!
Since I began blogging in 2009 I have learned so much about "Blog Life". I have learned the hard way for the most part and I have spent numerous hours making things just right, because I can be a little over the top when it comes to perfection.
I can't blog for you, or build your blog, but I can show you what I have learned!
As you all know I love to learn, create, and share... so get ready because I'm starting a series of "Blog Life" posts here on WinterStead to:
- Help you decide if you should blog
- Help you decided what you should blog about
- Teach you the tricks of the trade & helpful shortcuts
- Keep you motivated while you start your first blog!
- & Much more!

A short intro into "Blog Life"
What is a blog?
In 1997 the term "blog" was coined by Jorn Barger, and was used to shorten the phrase web-log.
A web-log was akin to an online journal entry used as a means to publicly, yet discretely, share a persons inner most thoughts or ideas.
Since 2009 though, blogs have developed into something more... something bigger!
Now there are many blog platforms, and you can write a blog with several authors.
There are almost as many blogs in the "blogosphere" as there are people in America. Wow!!
A "blogger" is a person who writes on a blog. While some blogs are still personal blogs, most are business blogs in the sense that the owner is building a brand and a following.
Some blogs "monetize" (make money from advertisements or sponsors) other blogs simply share information.
The "Blogger Platform" is a self contained blog powerhouse owned by Google and available for free for anyone that wants to start a blog whether it be a personal blog or a business blog. We will discuss why I choose to stick with the Blogger platform during week one!
A "post" is equivalent to an entry, or submission.<I think this short intro has turned into a speech!
Rrr' You Ready?
The next time you see the "Blog Life 101" title I will be discussing: Should you start a blog?
Want to participate in a 7 day challenge to jump start this series? Cool! Use the image below to guide you and I will be tweeting/ Facebook-ing each day of the challenge. Feel free to upload pics that represent the question of the day, post links with a description, or just describe each question via text. Make sure when you tweet or share on Facebook you use the hash-tag #BlogLife101.The challenge will start tomorrow 5/8/2014
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