Sunday, June 8, 2014

Change can be beautiful.

This weekend was a good solid reminder that we are getting ready to embark on an awesome adventure. We had a huge yard sale, met some awesome people, and discovered a sunflower growing out of our now abandoned chicken coop!

After reading an article by Technomadia about shedding your stuff and releasing the anchors, we decided to hold a huge yard sale. It was weird to see all of our hand picked, once loved items placed across my mother's front yard but we knew that we wont have room for these belongings on our RV.

We sold most of our stuff and are planning to have a second yard sale to get rid of the rest of it.

Do you remember our post about giving away our chickens? When we gave away our chickens and decided against planting our garden (because we would be gone before we got to harvest) we didn't think we would cultivate anything from our homestead this year.

To my surprise I glanced into the backyard and saw a beautiful sunflower growing up out of the abandoned chicken coop. We supplemented their feed with sunflowers, flax seed, corn, and other various goodies. The natural compost that was left from their waste was obviously enough to support the growth of this beautiful flower and I have to say it really made my day to find this!

Overall, what I thought would be a sad weekend turned out to be pretty beautiful! Change is hard, but sometimes it is needed for growth... just like the sunflower. If the chickens had been in their coop they would have eaten the seed.

In less than one week we will be gone from our "homestead" and we will be getting ready for the final steps before our departure in our RV. We have been through many emotions, and have learned so much already. As I type this I sit looking out of the large picture window in our living room, listening to the soft pitter-patter of the rain and I can only imagine the wonderful new places I will get to type our blog posts from in the near future!

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for all of our new adventures that come from this beautiful change.

P.S.We feel that this journey has been better because we are together and I created a image to share on Facebook from a photo I took of us holding hands. (It's the image below) Just wanted to share that here!

1 comment :

  1. What a beautiful post. The sunflower was just what you needed during a whirlwind of emotions! By the way...just noticed the Carl Sagan video on your page...I am a big fan...that song was awesome. :) Looking forward to reading more about your journey.


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