Sunday, December 14, 2014

Kayla's Modern American Dream

Part of our goal while traveling the country is to conduct a series of interviews with other Americans who are chasing the dream.

What dream? The get rich quick, become an American Idol dream? No, the one that so many people around the world see when they think of America!
In the past the American Dream meant a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence, happy marriage with two kids (boy and girl), and fancy holiday spreads for family parties.

As a kid of the 90's I grew up with a radically different perspective on the American Dream. I was told from a very young age that I could do whatever I wanted to. As a teen I learned that this was true but the 'whatever' part had to pay the bills!

As an adult I have found that so many people in America are chasing their passion and making a living while doing it. Living the dream means playing all week and getting paid for it.

Because we have several interviews ready to post, and some in the works I figured I should share my answers to the questions as well. Robert shared his here a few months ago.

If you are currently living the dream and would like to participate in our series send us an email with "American Dream" in the subject line by clicking here.

1: What is your American Dream?
I have three passion in life: spending time traveling with my husband, learning about whatever I'm interested in at the moment, and writing/ sharing that info with others. Being able to combine my passions and create income from them is my American Dream.

2:Where do you see yourself in five years?

Is this a trick question? ;) Had you asked me this five years ago I would have said that I wanted to be an X-ray technician. It's great to have a general goal in which to strive for but I don't hold any concrete plans about my future. We have so much to learn about the RV lifestyle and traveling in general that I have decided to keep a very short/ general goal for my next five years. In five years I would like to have gained a Master's degree in Creative Writing, publish a novel, travel to other countries, and blog about all of it.

3:What advice would you give someone with similar goals?
There are a surprising amount of young adults living and working on the road. At one point we thought we were too young to move into an RV and travel the country but now I see we are not always the youngest in the crowd. If you have children and want to raise your family before you travel, or you are close to retirement and want to finish your job then yes wait. Otherwise I say go for it, you can always home-school your kids and there are several types of jobs that can be done online or while traveling. There is no time like the present!

4:If you could change the world in one way what would it be?

Education. I would give all people access to the best education for free. Ignorance creates hate and hate creates most of the problems we face in our world.

5:Who is your hero and why?

Honestly, I admire so many people this question is hard for me. I think that all people have something to teach me and I love this about life.

If I must choose one person it would be my husband. Not only does he allow me space to be myself (whoever that may be on any given day) he is true to himself as well. I have had the pleasure of watching him grow and transform since I met him, while reaching every goal he strives for. He is generous, kind, good, intelligent, and sincerely wants to leave the earth better than he found it. I learn so much from him and feel peaceful when I am around him.

I hope that my answers were able to shine a little light onto who I am and what I want from life. That is, in my opinion, the definition of the American Dream. Figuring out who you are, what makes your heart sing, and doing it!!

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