Saturday, January 24, 2015

New years and time zones

On your way west from North Carolina to Arizona you change time zones twice. We arrived in Bullhead City on December 27th and had just enough time to get settled and meet a few locals before New Years Eve.

A nice man that we met while walking around Silverview RV Resort told us about the local fireworks display. He told us how he looks forward to seeing it every year when he returns to Bullhead City for the winter. He also told us to mind the time-zone gap as the fireworks display happened at the casino's in Laughlin, Nevada. We had an amazing view of the casino's during the day from our campground so we were looking forward to the view of the city at night and the fireworks.

Our first day in Bullhead City. You can see the Casinos in
the distance behind us, we are at the RV Resort in the pic.
Here in Bullhead City the state line of Arizona is defined by the Colorado River. The river also plays an important role on the internal sensor of your phone and the time on your phone goes backwards one hour when you cross it. The man we spoke with that told us about the fireworks said he watches them at 11:00 PM. Without further thought I set an alarm on the phone to go off ten minutes before eleven so we could set up our chairs on the bluff to see the show.

The night of new years we watched New York celebrate the ball dropping at 10:00; the Happy New Year texts began pouring in from friends and family back home as well. We started watching the clock so we could get the camera, chairs, and coats before we walked to our spot. At 10:50 we started walking to the entrance of the park, placed our chairs, got the camera out and waited. While we were waiting we started having a conversation about time zones and how they were hard to get used to and at 11:02 we realized Laughlin was an hour behind us. They would see New Years at 1:00 AM.

We laughed at ourselves as we carried our gear back to the motor-home and decided to cook dinner while we waited two hours to try our firework experience again. We noticed something else when we made it back to the camper. The internal sensor that automatically sets the time on our phone had gotten confused and we were on Laughin time on our phone. We didn't realize it at first and wondered how we managed to loose an entire hour in only a few minutes. We figured it must have been the automatic update on the phone but by this point we were feeling a little tipsy and we hadn't had a single drop to drink.

At 12:50 Arizona time we headed for a different entrance of the park to find an even better view point of the casinos and got cozy just in time. While the view was better there was also a lot of traffic because we were on the sidewalk versus being inside the park. Locals stopped at the stop sign a little longer than normal during the ten minute firework display, some even pulled over to take photos.

All in all, even with the time-zone headaches and the chill of the wind the fireworks were beautiful. It was an uneventful night for us, we didn't go out on the town or throw a bon-fire with friends like we had the year before, but we were together. In a new place, in a different time, and with our dreams manifesting. We realized how different we had become, the way we experienced growth from the people we were after all of the events that happened in our lives in 2014. We decided the only resolution we would set for ourselves was to never make resolutions and instead make each day a day of learning, living, laughing, and loving.

This year is sure to be a good one. While this post is a little late, we hope you all had an amazing New Year celebration. We wanted to publish our blog posts in the order that they took place and we are just getting around to sharing our New Years Eve with you. We look forward to sharing our new year with you. Thanks for being a part of our 2014!

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