Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thank you XOMISSE!

This #BlogLife post was not on the itinerary but I had to take a few minutes to write up this supplemental post!

XOMISSE, is an amazing blog designer who takes time out of her busy schedule to provide blogging tutorials for those who want to be more hands on with their blogs, like me.

Don't get me wrong, she uses a lot of coding and I've learned to use the notepad program for my HTML code before I put it into my template, but her tutorials are very thorough and simple enough for those of us who haven't been to webdesign school.

I had been feeling a little blah about the design of ApotheKayla. I have always wanted ApotheKayla to be a blog for learning, creating, and sharing but I had never really been pleased with the overall design. I wanted a magazine look, with interactive slideshows and a coordinated/ fun design.

Even when I switched that blog over to WordPress for a few months I ended up going back to Blogger because I felt like I could customize it more if I had the right code.

XOMISSE provides you with that code!

From semi-transparant, floating navigation bars that stay at the very top of your blog ^check out my navbar^, to help with the new Contact Form Blogger added; she does it all.

If you can't find what you are looking for in her tutorials and need more design specific help she also has a wide range of design services for both WordPress and Blogger.

Thank you Elaine, for all of your hard work and being there for your fans! This fan really appreciates it! You do amazing work, and provide many great services for Blogger nerds like me!

Make sure to check out her website, and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest; you will be glad you did!

1 comment :

  1. OMG! Thank you so much! This is the sweetest thing ever, can't believe you wrote it about me. That's so crazy... I'm kind of in shock haha I really don't know what to say excerpt thank you for the lovely kind words. You're the reason I blog and I'm so glad you've found my tutorials helpful. You've done a great job! I'm going to have a big smile on my face now for the day! :) x


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