Sunday, October 27, 2013

You live you learn, as the seasons change

The frost, a few nights ago, killed the remainder of the plants that were still growing from the summer. We still had Basil, that I would harvest every couple of days; Tomatoes, a few varieties that were growing slow but still growing; and Loofah Gourd, this one really got me I've waited so long to harvest the gourds and cut them into smaller sizes to use in the shower.. there is always next year I suppose.

This is all just a reminder about the cycle of life and how all things come in their own time, not in mine! The lettuce, onions, and carrots seem to be alright so there is hope yet!

Every day in the homestead life we come across a new adventure so the wonderful process of learning never ends. So far we have met all types of obstacles along the way... Like the horn worm..

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My husband thought that the horn-worm was a type of caterpillar and we left it eating happily on our tomato plants because it wasn't killing the plant... yet... and we really enjoy the butterflies and Luna moths that hang around the garden

We thought we were sharing in the process of life by allowing this caterpillar to prune our tomato plant and we figured it would form a cocoon somewhere, but instead... it produced a trillion (not literally) egg sacks on it's back and then there were hundreds of these annoying bugs eating our tomato plants until they were completely bare...

You live... you learn... and the chickens had several horn-worm treats once the hubby picked them off our plants, so at least someone was happy about it! =]

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